The effects of various factors on ion formation and hydrolysis speed, the determination method of ion and the effect of ion composition on coating element composition were described. 叙述了各种因素对离子的形成及其水解速度的影响、离子的确定方法及其对涂层元素成分的影响。
With special properties of polymer emulsion and some additives, the coating composition gives fruit trees multiple protection by spraying on them and has achieved good effects. 利用高分子膜特有的性质及配合适当添加剂来达到对果树多方面的保护并取得了理想效果。
High temperature, coating composition change, expansive agent happen quickly, thus forming porous expansion of insulating layer, prevent heat to the tunnel masonry relay. 高温时,涂料成分发生改变,膨胀剂迅速发生膨胀,从而形成多孔的隔热层,阻止热量向隧道砌体的传递。
With coat section metallographic, X-ray diffraction and scanning electrical mirror analysis method, have studied coat microscopic shape look, organization structure and the coating's composition. 采用涂层断面金相、X射线衍射、扫描电镜分析方法,研究了涂层微观形貌、组织结构、组成成份。
This paper investigated the static thermit SHS ceramic coating. The composition, microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of the ceramic coating have been analysed. 研究了静态铝热SHS陶瓷涂层,分析了涂层的成分、组织形态、力学性能和耐蚀性能。
Results show that coating melting zone morphology and the crystal size evolving in a certain rule with the change of coating composition. 结果表明:涂层熔区组织形态及晶粒度随涂层成份的不同呈规律性演化。
After brass is coated with Tin, heat treatment makes the coating metal Sn and the matrix metallic elements Cu and Zn diffuse with each other. This causes the coating composition to be changed and the boundary interface strengthened. 黄铜镀锡后用热处理方法使镀金属Sn和母材金属元素Cu、Zn等双向扩散,从而改变了镀层成份,强化了边界;
Compared with ( Ni-P) chemical coating, composition coating is ( better) in the wear resistance and self-lubrication and lower in hardness. 复合镀层的耐磨性及自润滑性优于Ni-P化学镀,而复合镀层的硬度低于化学镀层的硬度。
The influence of coating composition on its application performance was discussed, and application method and use were also given. 讨论了涂料的组成对涂料使用性能的影响。简述了该涂料的施工方法及其应用。
The variation in duty ratio and pulse frequency have a significant influence on the deposition rate, coating composition and properties. 脉冲频率和占空比对镀层的沉积速率、镀层成分以及镀层的性能都有很大影响。
The effects of coating composition, film thickness, process, post heat treatment and other related factors on the magnetism of electroless amorphous coatings are discussed for the purpose of controlling the magnetism of coatings. 论述了镀层成分、膜厚、制备工艺以及镀后热处理等因素对化学镀非晶态镀层磁性的影响,以达到控制镀层磁性的目的。
Adding RE in ceramic coating with stoichiometric composition can improve the microstructure and morphology of coating and, therefore, enhance the mechanical properties and heat shock resistance of metal-ceramic composite pipe. 试验得出稀土可改善正常配比陶瓷涂层的组织形态,减少涂层孔隙,提高金属&陶瓷涂层复合管的力学性能和抗热冲击性;
Based on the integration of author s practical experience in many years and his accumulated information, the paper introduced the technique methods of coating single composition protection adhesion on surface of the strain gauge and of filling two composition adhesion agent in the strain hole. 本文综合作者多年的实践经验与资料积累,详细介绍了应变片表面涂覆单组分保护面胶和应变孔灌封双组分胶粘剂的工艺方法。
In this paper the structure and porosity distribution of ceramic coating with different composition on inner surface of steel pipe produced by static thermit SHS was investigated, the formation condition and adiabatic temperature was analysed as well. 本文研究了静态、铝热SHS钢管内表面不同组成陶瓷涂层的组织结构和孔隙分布,并分析了其形成条件和绝热温度。
Control of Alloy Coating Composition Coated by Multi-arc Ion Plating and Design of Composition of Cathode Target Source 多弧离子镀合金涂层的成分控制及阴极靶源的成分设计
The coating composition, microstructure and phases were investigated by energy dispersive X ray analysis ( EDXA), X ray diffraction ( XRD), scanning electron microscope ( SEM) and image analyzer. 运用能谱技术(EDXA)、X射线衍射仪(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和图像分析仪对涂层成分、显微组织、涂层相结构和组成进行了分析。
The structure of nano-intermixed WC-Co coating is more denser the coating composition is distributed more even and have the minimum porosity rate. 喷涂层为典型的层状结构,涂层与基体为机械结合。纳米掺杂WC-Co涂层的显微结构更加致密,涂层成分分布更加均匀,并且存在最低的孔隙率。
The subject has prepared anti-oxidation coating carbonaceous material by stuff slurry way, and emphatically discussed high temperature anti-oxidation coating composition of SiO_2 system, whose preparation, formation and anti-oxidation effect were also studied systematically. 本研究采用料浆法制备含碳材料的抗氧化涂层,重点探讨了SiO2体系高温抗氧化涂层的组成,并对其制备方法、形成机理及其抗氧化效果进行系统研究。
Influence factors of PVC coating agent on tearing strength of coated fabric by changing coating agent composition is studied in this paper. 通过对涂层剂组成的调整,研究影响聚氯乙烯涂层织物撕裂强度的因素。
The effect of the coating composition containing titanium dioxide pigment and a photosensitizer benzophenone on UV-cured resin was studied. 研究了涂料成分中用TiO2作颜料,光敏剂二苯甲酮对紫外光固化树脂性能的影响。
The results show that with the proper crucible structure and coating composition, the semi-solid alloy slurry could be smoothly transferred from the slurry preparation equipments to the rheocasting shot chamber by the slurry preparation crucible; 结果表明,选用适当的坩埚结构和涂料配方,采用搅拌坩埚直接输送半固态合金浆料,可简便快速地实现合金浆料从制备系统到成形系统的转移,从而实现二者的分离;
This paper investigated the corrosion resistance of ceramic coating produced by static thermit SHS, Compared the corrosion resistance of ceramic coating in different composition, cooling condition and corrosion period. 对比研究了静态铝热SHS陶瓷涂层在不同组成,不同冷却保温条件和腐蚀阶段的耐蚀性。
Through induction and analysis of the test result, the relationship of coating texture, composition and hardness with erosion resistance and the effect of system parameter on erosion resistance are discussed. 通过对试验结果的归纳、分析,探讨了涂层组织、成分和硬度与抗冲蚀性之间的联系以及系统参量对抗冲蚀性的影响规律。
It included the selection of base paper and macromolecular materials, modified starch and corrosion inhibitor, the adjustment of coating paste composition and coating technology and the production of paper-lined batteries. 包括基纸、高分子材料的选择,改性淀粉、缓蚀剂的使用,涂料配方的调整,涂布工艺的确定和纸板电池的生产。
Improve the resistance spot welding electrode matrix strength and resistance to plastic deformation capacity, improving coating composition, structure, designed to improve the coating and substrate bond strength and coating performance, spot welding electrode life can be further enhanced. 提高电阻点焊电极基体强度和抗塑性变形能力,改善涂层成分、结构设计以提高涂层和基体的结合强度及涂层性能,可以进一步提高点焊电极寿命。
The combined bending and torsion fatigue life of the sample which were remelted under different remelting time conditions were investigated by test. The macrofracture and the microfracture of samples, coating composition, limit stress, fatigue extension area were analyzed. 通过试验研究了不同重熔条件下火焰热喷涂件的弯扭疲劳性能,并对试样的宏观断口、微观断口、涂层组织成分、极限应力、疲劳扩展面积等方面进行了分析研究。
Observation and analysis of available surface and cross section morphology of the film was done by SEM, phase structure of the coating composition was studied by X-ray diffraction ( XRD). 采用扫面电子显微镜(SEM)观察并分析了所获膜层的表面和截面形貌,采用X-射线衍射仪(XRD)研究了膜层的相结构组成。
The process parameters 'effects on the deposit-ion rate, the coating composition and the current efficiency of Al-Ni alloy coating were discussed. 本文研究了低温氯化物熔盐体系中,在不锈钢板上电镀Al-Ni合金的电镀工艺,讨论了工艺参数对电镀Al-Ni合金的沉积速率、镀层组成、电流效率等的影响。
At present, the problems to be solved for production and application of ultrafine powder are uniformity of size distribution and dispersion of powder. Now, water soluble products of coating have a rapid development, which thanks to the limitations of coating composition on organic solvent. 目前超细粉体生产和应用亟待解决的问题即是:粒径分布的均一性,粉体的分散性。涂料成分中对有机溶剂的限制法规促进了水溶性产品的快速发展。